Abingdon Weekly Virginian, Abingdon, VA

December 21, 1905

MUSTER ROLL OF 1864-'64.

Capt. Thomas' Nitre Company
Col. Jas. Preston's Battalion.

An army in battly array is not of itself the whole of the power it represents along its fighting line. There are other forces which combine to make it what it is and to lead it on to victory. There are other component parts which have their value and necessary existence. The wagon train, the commisariat, the quartermaster, the home guard, the manufacturer of supplies, the farmer and, no less important than any, the patriotic women of the country are among them. While the battle scar of a veteran is the noblest, highest badge of honor mortal man can boast of, there are thousands without it whose courage and deeds of daring the our civil war, are unsurpassed in all the annals of history. And while to every man who bravely went to the front is due the highest paise, we must not forget that the workers behind the camp and marching columns and at home played essential parts in the current of events. While they can not boast a scar or vaunt their prowess in the fierce din of battle, they are entitled to recognition in the compilation of history, for their work was not only essential but indispensable.

In this line a number of organizations may be classed, and among them ws the company whose roster we herewith print, which has been furnished us by our old friend, John E. Roe of this county. That company was formed for the purpose of making, and did make, nitre, for the manufacture of powder for army and navy uses, but were so organized that they were subject to active military duty at any time for home defences.

The services rendered by these men should not be lost sight of in collection the annals of our great civil war.

David G. Thomas, Capt., A. A. McConnell, 1st Lieut., Joel Rosenbalm, 2nd Lieut., J. E. Roe, 1st Sergt., G. W. McConnell, 2nd Sergt., P. J. Hope, 3d Sergt., Wm. R. White, 4th Sergt., Leander J. White, 5th Sergt., Hugh Millard, 1st Corpl., Francis Catron Jr., 3d Corpl., James H. Bradley, 4th Corpl.

David O. Bradley, John D. Blackwell, James DeBusk, Christopher DeBusk, Elijah Davenport, Able Davenport, Thomas A. Denton, William Eades, Edward B. Gobble, George W. Gobble, Henry S. Garrett, James L. Garrett, Geroge W. Garrett, David Holly, Peter M. Kesner, Peter Knott, Andrew K. Love, James C. Love, David B. Millard, Henry M. Mock, John W. Mock, Emanuel H. Mock, W. P. Moore, W. A. Moore, Jesse Mountain, Abram McConnell, John A. D. McConnell, Thomas Pippin, James Ramsy, Jonathan Stevens, Firman P. Sweet, Henry S. Sweet, Levi Sherwood, George Smith, Robert Smith, John Sutton, John R. Speer, William Tomlinson, David Thomas, David J. Waterman, Alfred P. Waterman, John B. Warren, Solomon Withers, John M. White, John L. White, Robert R. Washam, Wm. J. Wilson, T. A. Blondel, T. J. Williams, Thos. Orenduff, Henry Leonard, Jerome Leonard, Thomas Sproles, Eli Brewer, Wm. M. Fleenor, Alfred Person, S. W. Benham, Wm. Catron, James Orenduff, J. C. Roberts, H. V. C. Rust, D. C. Greenway, W. King Heiskell, James Golliher.

This is a true copy taken from the original list which has been in my possession ever since the organization of the Company in June, 1864.

J. E. Roe.