Bluefield Daily, Telegraph, Bluefield, WV

June 21, 1912


Man Who Shot Two at Swords Creek Stopped a Number of Bullets Himself.

After scouring the mountains since Monday officer captured William Bostic, of Swords Creek, in the mountains of Buchanan county. Bostic was suffering from wounds received before he would submit to arrest. Bullets pierced both his legs, his right arm and one of his feet, according the the report received here. He was taken to Lebanon yesterday afternoon, where he will be held to await the action of the grand jury. Bostic is charged with having shot A. W. Davis through the leg and C. W. Hunt, an officer, who was attempting to arrest him, through the body. The shooting, which occurred Monday at Bostic's store, grew out of an old warrant charging him with failing to answer a court summons.