Clinch Valley News, Jeffersonville, VA

April 24, 1914


Well Known Russell County Lady is Run Down By Freight in Sight of Her Home.

Mr. G. B. Johnson, an attorney, of Honaker, was here on Wednesday and gave the following account of a distressing railroad accident, which occurred at that town early Wednesday morning, in which one of the best and most prominent women of Honaker, Mrs. N. B. Honaker, was almost instantly killed by being run down by No. 86, an east bound freight train:

He said that Mrs. Honaker had been to the store and was returning, walking on the track, just west of the cattle guards, near the crossing, walking between the main line and the side track. When the train dashed around the curve, it is supposed that she mistaking its track, aimed to cross over, and stepped on the main line, in front of the engine. She was almost instantly killed, living only a few moments after being carried to a hotel nearby.

For years Hotel Honaker was one of the most popular and well known hostelries on the Clinch Valley division and Mrs. Honaker known as one of the very best and finest Christian women of the country. Numbers of traveling men and others will learn of her tragic death with deep regret.

Besides a husband, N. B. Honaker, she leaves four children—3 daughters and one son. Before marriage she was Miss Wysor, sister to John W. Wysor, of Elk Garden, and a near relative of the late B. J. Wysor. She was 57 years old.