PEOPLE PLEASED WITH NEW ROADS New Pastor Has Arrived—The U. D. C. In Danger of Disbanding—Other Lebanon News Dr. C. W. Grant and Grover White, of Belfast, were in town Saturday looking after business interests. Mrs. Joseph Booker, of Hansonville, has been quite sick for a few days. We hope to note her recovery. The corner stone to the Masonic Hall will be laid the 23rd of April. All masons are invited and a good time is anticipated. C. H. Cross, commisisoner of the revenue for the west end, was here listing property last week. Rev. Harrell, pastor of the Baptist church of this place, moved into the parsonage last week. Rev. Harrell is an able preacher and has an interesting family. E. S. Finney, a prominent attorney of Lebanon, went to Philadelphia last week on ‘"buisness". The H. H. Dickenson Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy met at the law ofice of Captain J. C. Gent last Saturday, but owing to the lack of a quorum they did not transact any business. The organization will soon be a thing of the past, as but little interest is manifested. Several unsuccessful efforts have been made to get the daughters to meet. Russell sent as many soldiers to the front as any county of her size in the state, and it seems that the oganization ought to be a howling success. Major Morgan, superintendent of the Virginia penitentiary, visited the Lebanon-Cleveland road force last week. He was well pleased with the progress made on the road. Russell will feel a just pride in her roads, as she will be second to none in the state. Some of our old farmers complain that it cost too much money and time to build the road, but it requires time and money to build such roads as we have when completed. A little patience, gentlemen, as all concerned are doing their best. Rev. S. T. M. McPherson commenced a protracted meeting at the Bridge east of town this week. Brother March don't give the evil one much time to fortify his forces. Captain J. B. Fuller, a battled scared veteran of the 29th Virginia Regiment, was up from his home on Moccasin Creek Monday. The growth of the town is due to the generosity of D. K. Banner. Before he came into possession of the land around Lebanon a foot of it could not be bought at any price, but since he becaume the owner he has sold a large number of lots at reasonable prices. Mr. Banner is is a big hearted man and is worth more to the community than a 10 acre field of dudes.
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