August 18, 1905 BIG DROPS OF A THIEFS BLOOD Left Upon the Japanese Matting in the Stuart Residence at Elk Garden, Va.
One of the boldest attempts at burglary which has come to our notice for sometime was enacted at the home of H. C. Stuart in Russell County last Friday night. In the absence of Mr. Stuart and while Mrs. Stuart and her trained nurse were asleep, a burglar entered the house and was in the act of carrying off valuable jewelry, when Mrs. Stuart was awakened by the noise. She demanded of the burglar to leave the premises, and enforced her demand by a pistol shot at the burglar, which is thought to have taken effect in his arm. The burglar returned the shot, which penetrated Mrs. Stuart's night clothing, but doing her no harm. Mrs. Stuart arose from her bed and pursued the burglar to the front gate, where a shot from her pistol made him drop the jewelry and flee. Blood stains left in the hall by the intruder is sufficient evidence that Mrs. Stuart is not one to be
easily excited. The Sheriff of Russell and his deputies have been searching dilgently for him, but without result.