Clinch Valley News, Jeffersonville, VA

August 2, 1889


The Courier on the C. V. D. from Tazewell to Honaker says that the trains will be running to Swords Creek in about five weeks. Track laying had reached the Barnes place in Richlands on the 24th. They were laying at the rate of over a mile a day then but further down the river work will be slower.

The report that has been going the rounds through the papers that Wm. Keiser, an attorney at Grundy, Va., was shot and killed by Frank Phillips is untrue. Floyd Kiser, an attorney there, was struck across the head with a pistol by Phillips on account of the latter misunderstanding the purport of a remark made by the former. When Phillips found out mistake he tried to make all possible amends. Kiser's wound is not dangerous.