December 19, 1902 MANY BURGLARIES Tazewell and Russell Suffer Great Loss of Property.
For the past two months or more
Safe blowers have been at work on
stores in this county and much valuable property has been destroyed.
Last Friday night Compton's store,
four miles north east of Lebanon, was
robbed and burned. Loss several
hundred dollars. No insurance.
Just a few days previous to the
above robbery and burning the store-
house of S. F. Combs & Son, on the
headwaters of Weaver's creek, this
county, was burned. Before this building caught fire the safe was blown
open. The explosion tore out one
whole side of tho building. loss $12,000. Insurance $6,000.
On the 9th. of October burglars, supposed to be the same band that burned the above mentioned stores, set fire
to the store of the Jenks Mercantile
Co., of this town, resulting in the destructlon by fire to goods, buildings,
etc., to the amount of $58,000.
We trust the guilty parties will be
captured, but at present no clue has
been found us to their whereabouts.
- Lebanon News.
About Oct. 1 burglars broke into the
P. O. here, securing about $1000.00,
and a week ago burglarized the store-
house of the Graham Supply Co., and
another store in that town. It all looks
like the work of the same hands. No
clues hove been obtained, and, so far
as we know, no effort is being made to
capture the theives. The counties of
Tazewell and Russell should jointly
raise a fund and put a sleuth on the
truck of these nimble manipulators of
dynamite and the "jimmy."