January 7, 1907 RUSSELL MURDER. Particulars of Unfortunate Shooting in Our Neighbor County. Other News items.
Castlerun, Va., Jan. 7. We have never learned full particulars in regard to the murder which we reported last week, which happened on Molls Creek, near this place, Dec. 26. The correspondent called on the family of the murdered man this week, and got a few particulars. It was reported to us this way: That on the evening of the 26th Robert Jessee went to the home of Johnson to see his father on some business, and upon leaving, told Hop Johnson to come and go with him to the home of Henry Jessee, his brother, and that they would have a good time. Johnson said alright. Jessee was riding, and he went on before. So Johnson and his nephew, Charles Tickle, went on, and as Jessee had went before, he arrived at the home of his brother, and told him that Johnson and Tickle were coming there to kill him. So Henry Jessee was standing in the door when Johnson arrived. Coley Fugate met Johnson in the yard, and told him to stop or Jessee would kill him. Johnson that they had nothing against him, and he had nothing against them, so he started on toward the house, and one of the Jessee boys shot him with a shot gun, killing him instantly. Some one of them shot Fugate in the leg. It is said however, that Johnson left home with his pistol empty, and when he was found it was empty, so it is supposed Johnson had never fired a shot. We understand the Jessee boys are both in Lebanon jail.
We learn that our good friend, Rev. Joe J. Porter, was married last week at Castlewood to Miss Maggie Louis.
We learn at a late hour that Rev. F. H. Fuller baptized several persons at Rings Chapel Sunday.
Fearing the waste basket we will ring off. Two Democrats.