CAPTURED AFTER YEARS OF FREEDOM Man Who Killed Neighbor Over a Dog is Returned to Russell Jail–Other News Items We have no news of much interest to report, but we feel like we want to join the editor of the News, in his New Year resolution-to make the News one of he best and newsiest papers in the Southwest, and if each and every one will do is duty toward the editor, we guarantee he will do his very best, as has always done, and best is his motto. Come one and all — if you are not a reader, join the happy band. You can't put a dollar to a better use than to subscribe for the News right now. Wade Holly, who has been a fugitive from justice for a year, was captured in West Virginia and brought to the Lebanon jail last Friday. Holly, it will be remembered, killed Jim Ramey, at Moorefield, this county, a year ago and made his escape, but was run down by the Baldwin detectives. The killing was the result of Ramey killing a dog which Holly owned. Moorefield has been the scene of many bad murders during the past few years, and it is to be hoped that justice will prevent so much killing. Mary Monk, aged about 50 years, died at the hone of her brother. She had been sick since July. Mrs. Fanny Plaster, daughter, of Aaron Brown, died at the home of her father Dec. 31. She had been ill quite a while of consumption. Christmas passed off quietly at this place with the exception of a few rip roarous young Americans being before the mayor as a result of too much booze. If parents would take these young lads into hands, across their knees, and give then a few strokes with a base ball bat, money for fines would be saved, otherwise, they would not appear so disguesting in the estimation of the people. Miss Ruth Cardwell, of Roanoke, spent the holidays here with sister, Mrs. W. E. Burns. Misses Vaughn and Kate Williams have returned from Kentucky, where they spent the holidays with their brother. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keith, of Bluefield, were the guests of H. F. Bausell and family during Xmas. We regret to state that S.N. Johnson, of Finny, has had a sever stroke of paralysis. Mr. Johnson is one of Russll's best citizns. The Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools gave a Christmas tree for the benefit of the little folks. The Methodist tree was on Christmas night and the Baptist was on Sunday night following. Many handsome little presents were received at each tree, and it is useless to say there were many little hearts gladdened. The new stone block is now completed and C. C. Alderson is its first occupant. The Bank and W. H. Alderson are preparing to move in to it. This block is an ornament to Lebanon and would be a credit to our learger towns. Quartrley meeting was held at the Methodist church Saturday and Sunday. A good crowd was in attendance.
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