Clinch Valley News, Jeffersonville, VA

June 11, 1909


Lebanon Va. June 9. - Your correspondant spent one day last week at the Southwestern, Va. Hospital at Marion Va. A visit to this humane institution will convince any one that the unfortunate tenants are well taken care of. I did not meet Dr. King the Supt. as he was absent. His assistant Dr. Stephenson, was in charge. He is a courteous gentleman, and in every way capable. The attendants on the several wards are kind and considerate to those under their change. The inmates are treated with the utmost kindness not withstanding some would tax the patience of Job. I refer to those who are unruly. The Supt. is making improvements on the grounds, and beautiful shade trees adorn the place, and those who are not seriously insane are permitted to walk around at pleasure.

C. C. Burns and family returned from a visit in East Tenn, last Saturday.

Mrs. J. P. Teets and little daughter, Jesse, spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin Mrs. C. C. Dalton of St. Paul.

Mrs. Celia Garrett, an aged lady of Elk Garden died last sunday morning.

H. H. Bausell bought the Davis property in the Banner addition recently.

Tuesday was horse show and a number of file horses were entered.

A. A. Wysor's horse carried off the prize for the best a year old. E. D. Grays horse won the prize for the best 4 year old. A number of young ladies entered the ring for the most graceful rider, and Miss Rebecca Browning won the prize, which was $5.00. It was the opinion of the crowd that Judge Ayers had the best of matched horses. A large crowd was in attendance, and the best of order prevailed.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. C. Bausell of Bolton , were here Tuesday, the guest of J. W. Bausell.

A telephone message states that J. W. Dorton, of Bolton, died Monday, aged 92 years.

F. Counts, of Ky., is visiting relatives in his county. This in his first visit in 21 years and says that Lebanon has grown so he would not have known the place.

Sparel Thompson of Artrip, met with the misfortune to get his arm cut off by the train Sunday. I did not learn the particulars.

Capt. J . D. Kiser, of Carterton, is dangerously ill with dropsy.

Dr. Hord, late of Salem, Va., will locate in Lebanon and will practice his profession.

John C. Gilmer and family are visiting relaives in town this week.

Clarence Burns of this place has been quite sick for the past week, but at this writing he is improving.