Clinch Valley News, Jeffersonville, VA

June 25, 1909


Lebanon, June 22. - One of the largest crowds ever assembled at Cleveland was there on last Sunday. The new Methodist Church was to have been dedicated, but failed to pay of the indebtedness which amount was $500.00. Rev. G. C. Rector preached to a large and appreciative audience under the tent. The deportment of such a large crowd was commendable and a sum of $400 or $450 was raised and the church will be dedicated later. Every one present was bountifully fed.

J. B. Sykes, of near Finney, died last Friday after a lingering illness of cancer of the stomach. He was in his 47th year and leaves a wife and one son.

Miss Hester Howard, of Villa Grove, Ill., is visiting her brother, Charles of Carterton. Miss Hester left Virginia 20 years ago with her father W. F. Howard.

Misses Mary D. and Mattie Gilmer are on a visit to Norton relatives.

Mrs. A. F. Pruner left Tuesday for Castlewood to attend the marriage of her cousin, Miss Lettie Gray, to Mr. Shoemaker.

Mrs. H. F. Bausell has been sick for a few days.

Most every body from Lebanon went to Cleveland Sunday to the dedication. The auto buggy brought here last week was quite a curiosity to some of the people, being the first one ever brought to this part of the mountains.

We had the leasure of riding over the new grade to Cleveland Sunday and some beautiful scenery is to be seen as well as the beautiful road. In one place in the new grade one can stand and throw a stone cross the roads three times. Mr. Lancaster is certainly pushing things along.

Miss Mary D. Giltner, of this place is visiting relatives a Norton this week Dr. R. N. Price, of Morristown, Tenn., is in the county lecturing for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society. The Doctor has a large connection in Russell county and at Clevelad last Sunday gave him a opportunity to meet a large number.

Prof. Swain, President of the Agricultural High School at this place is hopeful of a large attendance the coming session.

A. Daugherty, a prominent attorney of Grunday Va., was in town last week on legal business.

Work has commenced on the Dumps Сгееk rаilгоad. А large fогсе is at work at Kiser where a bridge will span the Clinch River.

Mrs. Hannah Scott, of this place, fell and dislocated her ankle. She is getting along very well considering the seriousness of the injury.