March 15, 1912 OTHER MYSTERIES
A Graham citizen, while discussing yesterday the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. W. H. Greever, wife of the Lutheran minister, says the Graham correspondent of the Bluefield Telegraph, recalled another famous disappearance of a Tazewell county lady some twenty three years ago. One night about midnight, Mrs. Albert Gose left her home at the Divides, this county, and from that moment to the present day she has not been seen nor heard from by any one in this section. The family resided on the Gas White place near Springville. The search for Mrs. Gose became country wide, but to no avail. She was finally given up as forever lost, and the theory accepted generally that she had wandered some where into the desert woods of Buckhorn mountain, where she died from hunger and thirst and exposure. If this theory was the correct one, it will probably never be known as a certainty as no trace of her remains was ever found. It is possible, however, that the skeleton of the lost woman lies somewhere in the fastness of Buckhorn a mountain, Mrs. Gose was forty-five years of age at the time of her disappearance. She was the mother of several children. She had not been in good health for some time prior to her sudden and mysterious disappearance and it was due to her illness that caused her to leave her family and home to wander away never to return.
Several years ago Russell county also had a mysterious case similar to the one mentioned. In this instance, however, the party to drop out of sight forever was a man. One night some seventeen years ago a man rode into the town of Cleveland on an iron grey horse. He called at the livery stable of Jake Minnick, and had his horse put away for the night. He went to the Clapp Hotel, ate his supper and registered. He went to his room and retired, but sometime during the night he left the premises and has not been heard from since. Minnick fell into the possession of the horse, after advertising in the newspapers in vain for its owner to come and claim the animal. The idea was advanced that the stranger may have wandered out of the hotel and fallen into Clinch River and drowned, but it is hardly probably, as his remains were never discovered.