Lebanon Capt. A. C. Bigely, of St. Paul, received a message stating that his 17-year old son of South Bend, Wash. died Saturday morning. He was a young man of unusual promise and his death is mourned by a large circle of friends in Russell county. A mad dog passed east of town a few days ago, and bit a fine hog for John Catron and Saturday the hog died with all the symptoms of hydrophobia. Capt. Mason, a former citizen of Russell county, died at his late residence at Greendale last week, age 70 years. A negro to preacher of Dante was lodged in our county jail for moonshining. It is due our colored ministers to state that he was one of those stray negroes, and even did not belong to any particular branch of the church. A livery team from Cleveland ran away last Saturday and demolished the buggy, throwing a colored woman out, and seriously injuring her. She was picked by Will Finney and brought to this place, where she received medical aid. Mrs. G. W. Reece and two children, of Norton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bausell, of this place. Miss Mary Bausell, of this place, returned from a visit to Bluefield. Her Uncle, H. F. Bausell and wife, accompanied her home. Fullen Thompson, of Tazewell was here Tuesday court day, looking after stock. Miss Sarah Presley, of this place, is confined to her home with rheumatism. Circuit Court convened Tuesday. A large crowd was here to hear the discussion between Mann and Tucker. So far as this correspondent could judge the crowd was about evenly divided as to choice for governor. The Lebanon Dramatic club gave an entertainment at St. Paul last Friday night and at Honaker on Saturday night. Several horse buyers were in town on court day, but parties who had horses for sale asked high prices, consequently few horses changed hands. J. W. B.
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