A Lovely Marriage at Belfast Mills.
Beauty and mirth ran their several ways galore, but the arrival of the ministering angel of such occasions, the Rev. Charles Kelly, of Elkhorn, admonished the Russell folks that their loss would soon be Tazewell's gain. At the sound of the wedding march the bride's maids and groomsmen filed in: Miss Ella White with Mr. George Gose, Miss Rebecca Ascue with Mr. Archer Fogleman, Miss Lula Bundy with Mr. Robert Graham, Miss Maud Repass with Mr. James Howard, Miss Stella Steele with Mr. Johnson, Miss Bertha Truit with Mr. Clinton Ascue, Miss Mabel White with James Bradshaw, and formed an open column lengthwise through the parlor. The groom followed, looking happy, as well he may, accompanied by Mr. Douglas H. Smith. Miss May Taylor accompanied the blushing bride. Rev. Kelly advanced along the open space left by these expectants armed with the laws approval, and in short appropriate terms added the remaining ceremonial over these two hearts "that beat as one." The bride was becomingly and beautifully attired, but the fashionable shadow which she cast ran a rivalrous gait besides her bridesmaids. Nature had shaken off its sullen solemn countenance of the day before, and the very stars seem to nod their hearty approval as they played bo-peep throughout the firmament. Supper, thou silent, salient end of eve, was attended to in proportion to its abundance. Every one seemed lost to the historical custom of the time, that breakfast would some time follow, and ate as if they believed in no hereafter. On the morrow a large and sumptuous dinner was served at the new home of the groom—a dainty house nestled down on blue grass sod between the fair western hills of Tazewell, as if to shut out envious gaze upon the happiness of that honeymoon. The groom is a prosperous young farmer, a son of Mr. Henry Ascue of Midway, at whose hospital home a portion of the "fortunates" enjoyed real life during the occasion.
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