LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital. T. G. Smith, of Rosedale, was in town today. F. M. Kelly has returned from a visit to Bristol and other points. Little Ella Aston is confined to her home on account of measles. Attorney Henry A. Routh was out of town on legal business this week. Mrs. J. J. Payne and son, George Louis, have returned from Bartonsville, W. Va. Harvey Rays, who has been spending the winter in Florida, is again at his home here. Miss Louise Counts has returned to her home here after a short visit with friende in Honaker. Miss Sally Lynch has returned to her home here after an extended visit to friends at Glade Springs. Hugh Matthews, of Kentucky, who has been visiting friends and relatives here for the past few weeks, has left for his home. Judge W. N. Hendricks and W. E. Gilmer, have returned to their homes here from a business trip to Warrenton, Virginia. Judge William E. Burns is engaged in holding court in Buchanan county this week. Attorney E. S. Finney is among the attorneys in attendance at the court. Mrs. J. L. Davis, of Knoxville, will visit for a few weeks her brothers, W. H. and C. C. Alderson, after which time she will leave for her new home in Los Angeles, California. Dow Fletcher, who was seriously injured in a runaway accident here on the 7th of April, has been removed to his home. He has improved considerably as regards his physical condition, but has never regained his normal mental poise, and his condition is looked on with apprehension by his friends. The closing exercises of the High School will begin on next Monday evening with an address by Dr. McConnell, of Emory and Henry College. Tuesday evening the primary department, under Miss Swame's management, will render a program, and on Wednesday evening a play will be given by the graduating clase. Miasea Nannie and Sabie. Lvnch entertained the members of the Embroidery Club in a very charming manner at their hospitable country home on Wed. needay afternoon. Delightful refreshments, consisting of salad, potato chipe. devilled eggs, sallylum, beaten biscuit with coffee followed by fruit jelly with angel's food. The following memberenjoying the occasion were: Misses Don Shuler, Verna Routh, Beaulah diaca. Lena and Elizabeth Cartright and Mary Alderson.
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