News of Swords Creek. Mrs. George Casie has been visiting relatives at this place for some time. R. L. Houchins, wife and daughter are wisiting relatives at Coal Creek, Tenn. Bert Wyatt, with a party of friends, was shopping at Gardner on last Thursdaу. Edward Boyram and Charlie Davidson were visiting the Sword's Creek lodge of I. O. O. F. here on last Saturday night. Ranzie McGlothlin and little sister were at Raven on last Saturday night attending the ice cream supper, and report a nice time. James Ball, wife and daughter returned from Whitewood on Wednesday last, and their many friends are glad to welcome them back again. Swords Creek, Va., Aug. 9 Dr. Whited has located at this place. Charles Debord is on the sick list this week. C. T. Smith loaded a car of lambs here Monday. School began here Monday with a large attendance. Mrs. L. B. Wyatt spent Monday with Mrs. A. A. Wysor. G. W. Ball, of Raven, was a business visitor to our Tuesday. J. B. Belcher, lumber inspector, passed through here on No. 5 Monday. Mrs. C. H. Jackson is spending this week with friends at Blackford, Va. Mrs. Bettie Wysor, of Honaker, spent Monday with Mrs. A. A. Wysor. Miss Pearl Belcher returned home Sunday from an extended visit to St. Paul. We understand Dr. Pierce will leave soon for Grundy. We regret to see him go. Several of our young ladies attended the ice cream supper at Gardner Saturday night. All reported an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Furrow, of Lindsey, W. V., are spending this week with home folks here, Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Gillert. A. D. Smith, of this place, committed suicide at his mother's home at Pembroke, Va., on last Saturday evening, August 6. Smith is said to have drank two bottles of laudanum which caused his death about eleven o'clock same night. His remains were brought here for burial Sunday on train No. 11. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community.
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