LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital Dr. J. P. Speer has been out of town. Miss Gladys Hanson returned Saturday from Bristol. Attorney E. S. Finney has returned from Grundy court. Miss Lesse Shuler, of Radford, is visiting relatives in Lebanon. Miss Price, of Norton, is being entertained by Mrs. Mary D. Gilmer. Attorney S. B. Quillen made a professional trip to St Paul Monday. E. M. Seacatt's new bungalow on west Mainstreet, is nearing completion. Miss Totye Hanson, of Hansonville, will visit Mrs. Walter Gray for a few days. Miss Maud Wilson, of Wyndale, is on visit to her brother, B. T. Wilson at this place. Misses Dora and Rose Robinson, of Gary, W. Va., are on a visit to their parents. Miss Leona Smithdeal, of Bluefield, is the guest of Mrs. Sayers Smithdeal, of our town. Mrs Walter Howard, of Honaker, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Banner. Miss Elsie Shumate has returned to Carroll Hall after a visit to friends at Hansonville. Mrs. Fletcher, of New Garden, is visiting Mrs. R. G. Fletcher, of South Church Street. Frank Dickenson, formerly of this county, but now of Bedford, was in town last week. Miss Grace Robinson left Monday for Gary, where she has accepted a position as stenographer. Capt. John P. Jenks is on an extended visit to his daughter, Mrs. Henderson, in Giles county. Mrs. George Williams and daughter, of Missouri, will spend some time with E. W. Williams' family. Mrs. Dinwiddie Kilgore left Wednesday for a visit to her parents before leaving for her home at Norton. Miss Harriett Swine has returned home after an extended visit to Nashville, Chattanooga and Springfield, Tennessee. Miss Bess Gilmer, accompained by Misses Mattie Belle Alderson and Ollivia Buckles, have returned from the Big Stone Gap normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Alderson entertained a happy crowd of little girls Wednesday afternoon of this week in honor of their niece, Helen Wolfe, of Marion. Dr. W. S. Gilmer, of the Richmond Medical College, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gray, before leaving for Staunton, where he will practice his profession. Hon. D. F. Bailey of Bristol, accompained by Attorney H. Gray Gilmer, of Abingdon, were attending to legal business here on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Josie Sandoe, after spending a few days at the home of James Seacatt, left Sunday for a visit to W. W. Gibson's at Cleveland before returning to her home at Big Stone Gap. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Beulah Seacatt. Mrs. Henry, whose illness was mentioned last week, is a little better and hopes are now entertained of her recovery.
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