News of Swords Creek. Mrs. G. W. Sample, of Salem, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Alta Mansfield made a business trip to Lebanon Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Snyder, of Richlands, was visiting friends here Monday. I. T. Beauchamp, of Castlewood, was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. A. A. Wysor is spending the week with friends at Castlewood. Sheriff John Davis and wife, of Homaker, are spending the week at this place. School will begin here on next Monday, the 8th, with Prof. Elam, of Wise, as principal. J. H. Helton, J. D. and W. B. A. Miller were business visitors in town Monday last. Quite a number of people from this place attended the quarterly meeting at Gardner Sunday. Miss Zola Ball, of Gardner, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. M. L. Barrett, at this place. Miss Rose Wilson returned Tuesday from Harrissonburg, Va., where she had been attending school. An ice cream supper will be given at Gardner Saturday night for the benefit of the new school building. Miss Lou Stevenson returned Tuesday on No. 12 from Big Stone Gap, where she had been attending the Normal. Farmers state that crops are very good in Russell county, and everybody seems to be in a prosperous condition. Sunday school at the church here every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, with J. A. W. Gibson, superintendent. Miss Gertrude Johnson returned Monday from Emory, where she had been attending the Summer Normal for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sample were called to Salem by a telegram Tuesday to be at the bedside of their son, Jim, who is seriously ill. Mrs. D. C. Bostic had the misfortune to be thrown from a mule on which she was riding one evening last week, sustaining serious injuries. Mr. and Mrs. John DeBord, of Wardell, who have been spending a few days here with relatives, returned to their home Monday, accompanied by Mrs. G. W. Sample and children, of Salem, Va. The Death Angel visited the peaceful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Helton recently and summoned their daughter, Idell, to the Great Beyond. Her short life was one of joyful obedience to father, mother, sisters and brothers. Beareaved ones, when you think of Idell let not your hearts bleed, let not your faith in God waver, our greatest comfort should be, she is safe in the arms of Jesus; nothing can harm her ever, we can go to see her. Heaven will be near because she is there, watching and waiting for her loved ones.
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