LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital Will Ayers came over from Abingdon to spend a week at home. Attorney H. L. Kidd was out of town this week on legal business. Mrs. Ogden Thomas and children are isiting her parents at Holston. Miss May Gibson entertained a number of friends on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickland, of Cleveland, were in town Thursday. H. F. Garrett and family, of West Virginia, are visiting D. K. Banner. C. H. Smithdeal and W. A. Ayers left to attend Buchanan court this week. Attorney E. S. Finney is attending court in Buchanan county this week. Mrs. J. B. Harrell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, at Hurley. Miss Pieratt, of Dayton, Tenn., is visiting Mrs. Jim Henritz, of this place. Miss Leah Todd is spending a short time with her grandparents in Manassas. Miss Less Shuler, of Radford, will visit relatives in Lebanon for a few weeks. Will Ayers, of Abingdon, was spending a few days here with his parents last week. Miss Dickinson, of Hansonvills, was the guest of Miss Finney a few days last week. Miss Dove Shuler has returned from a three weeks stay at Chatauqua Lake, New York. Mr and Mrs. Robert Milton, of Texas, are on a visit to Lebanon and other Virginia relatives. Miss Carrie Wilson, of Wyndale, has accepted a position as stenographer for Finney & Wilson. Attorney F. M. Kelly made a flying business trip to St. Paul, Dante and Norton last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Routh have returned to Graham after visiting relatives in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Smith have returned to St. Louis, Mo., after a few weeks in Lebanon. Attorney C. C. Burns is in Grundy, Buchanan county, for the purpose of attending court there. Mrs. E. A. Leonard and daughter, Lucile, of Bluefield, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hendrix. Mrs. S. G. Hambrick and family have been visiting in the upper part of the county for the last week. Miss Sarah Bell and Will Hamilton, who have been visiting in the Burns home, have returned to Lynchburg. Gray Gilmer, a prominent young attorney of the Abingdon bar, is attending to business matters here this week. The board of supervisors held their monthly meeting here on July the 25th, and transacted the ordinary routine business. The Children's Day exercises at Green Valley church last Sunday were attended by a large number of people from this place. Miss Sada Evans, of Evansville, Tenn., who has been the guest of Miss Sada Finney, left last week to visit friends in Tazewell. Mr. Mrs. C. H. Gilmer, after spending several days with Mr. Gilmer's parents east of town, returned Friday to their home in Bluefield. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Alderson entertained a happy crowd of children on Tuesday evening in honor of their little neice, Helen Wolfe, of Marion, Va. Miss Bess Gilmer, accompanied by Misses Ollie Buckles and Mattie Belle Alderson, have returned home after attending the Normal School at Big Stone Gap. B. T. Wilson, who was recently appointed by Governor Mann as one of the trustees of the normal school to be established at Radford, attended a meeting of the board of trustees at that place last week. Mrs. Geo. Call, of Richmond, fromerly Miss Cleo Hearon, daughter of Dr. D. S. Hearon, pastor of Elk Garden church, spent Wednesday in town as the guest of C. C. Burns. To the delight of her many friends Mrs. Call will spend several days in Lebanon before returning to Richmond.
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