LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital. Mrs. T. P. Robinson is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs S. B. Quillen went to Richlands to spend Thanksgiving. Dr. J. P. Spear is at home with his family after being in Norfolk for some time. Miss Sada Finney will leave Friday for Roanoke where she expects to be for some time. Mrs. E. S. Finney entertained the little folks in honor of her son, Ralph's sixth birthday. Miss Jess Hurt entertained a number of her friends of the younger set at her home last Friday evening. The many friends of Miss Lula Jessee regret to learn that she continues in ill health and her recovery is doubtful. Mr. E. S. Finney and daughters. Misses Sada and Love, have returned from a visit to Richmond and Roanoke. Attorneys. E. S. Finney, C. C. Burns. C. H. Smithdeal. N. A. Ayers and Judge Burns have returned from Buchanan. Mrs. S. H. Fletcher and Miss Nannie Alderson spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jessee near Carterton. Mrs. Walter Benedict and children. Nancye and Swaine, accompanied by Miss Harriett Swaine, spent Thanksgiving at St. Paul. Mrs. Mary Alderson was host of the embroidery club on Wednesday. At the close of the evening salad course with coffee was served. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seacatt entertained a number of friends last Thursday evening in honor of their guest, Miss Beatrice Gobble, of Big Stone Gap. A delightful dance was given on Friday evening by H. F. Bausell in his beautiful new home on West Main St. A number of the young people enjoyed the social function. Miss Francis Margaret Young, of Cartersville, Ga., has organized a woman's Club and Civic Improvement League in town in which the ladies are very much interested. Miss Nellie Burns was a charming hostess on last Friday evening when she entained a number of her numerous friends from 8:30 to 1 o'clock. Delightful refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs G. H. Dickenson, after an extended bridal tour to Washington, Baltimore and New York, have returned to their home on East Main street. Miss Frances Young will assist in organizing a Civic Betterment Club in connection with The Book Club. Every effort will be put forth to establish a circulating library and reading room for the benefit of the interested public. Miss Bettie Gilmer gave a card party last Friday evening, which was very enjoyed by her many friends. Those playing were Misses Bessie Gilmer, Cornelia Gilmer, Kate Gent Gray, Bonnie Alderson, Janie Finney, Louise Count and Mrs. J. J. Payne; and Messrs. Jim Ayers, Carl Hendricks, Oakley Gilmer Richard Swain and Ira Gray.
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