News of Swords Creek. Miss Anna Belcher left yesterday for Honaker. Harve Plaster, of Blackford, attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Whited. Mrs. Cambell Call is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Whited, at Dye, Va. W. H. Helton, of Asheville, Ohio, spent Sunday and Monday with home folks near this place. Mrs. W. H. Helton and sister, Miss Myrtle, went to Honaker today to have some dental work done.. B. J. Wysor was out gunning today and returned with a couple of birds—to the delight of Laura Clark. Mrs. John Boyd, who has been sick for the past week or two, we are sorry to say is not much improved. C. E. Reedy, of Groundhog Valley, was visiting his daughter, Mrs. Everett wells, of Roaring Fork, last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wysor and little daughter, Laura Clark, of Richlands, are visiting W. B. Smith, of this place. Rev Levi Murray filled his regular appointments at Miller's Chapel on the 11th inst at 11 a. m. and at Big Lick at 3 p. m. John Perkins, who sold his property near here last week, will move his family to Flat Rock where they will make their future home. Their many friends regret to see them leave. On Thursday, the 8th inst., the Death Angel visited our neighborhood and claimed Mrs. Lucy Whited, wife of J. B. Whited. She was a Christian lady and a member of the M. E. Church. She leaves a husband and nine children to mourn their loss. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of a loving mother and devoted wife. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord"
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