Lebanon Briefs. Robert Cartwright, of West Virginia, is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Cartright, here. Judge William E. Burns, who has been holding court in Scott county for the past three weeks, is now at his home here. The Ladies’ Club held a valentine festival here on the evening of the 14th, which was well attended, and a handsome sum was realized for the benefit of the club. Dr. Barringer, head of the V. P. I., spent two or three days in our midst recently, and on Friday night, the 10th, delivered a lecture in the courthouse, his subject being: "Ways to Keep the Boys on the farm." A large crowd was present to hear the distinguished visitor. The bond issue election held on the 14th resulted in an overwhelming majority for the proposed issue in favor of good roads. The majority in the county will run up over six hundred, and Lebanon precinct rolled up the handsome majority of one-hundred and twenty-six. As the county had previously voted in favor of a bond issue of $150,000, this with the present amount voted, $275,000 makes a total of $425,000 voted by Russell for the improvement of roads.
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