February 29, 1912 NEWS OF LEBANON
Items of Interest From the County Seat of Russell.
Lebanon, Va., Feb. 27.
J. E. Alderson is visiting relatives at Wise.
J. E. Davis, of Honaker, is a visitor here today.
D. E. Lewellen, of Wise, is attending court here.
T. J. Nelson, of Roanoke, attended court here this week.
Attorney H. Sutherland, of Clintwood, is here for a few days.
Miss Verna Routh and brother, Harry, attended the Leap Year dance at St Paul last Friday night.
At present there are five large automobiles running to and from the station. Two others will be put on at an early date.
The members of the Missionary Society of the Baptist church met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. H. Fletcher. After the business had been transacted Mrs. Fletcher surprised her guests by serving delightful refreshments. Those present were Mrs. S. B. Quillen, Mrs. H. A. Routh, Mr. W. H. Alderson, Mrs. W. N. Hendrix, Mrs. R. D. Swain and Miss Nannie Alderson.
Mrs. John Hurt entertained a number of her friends on the afternoon of the 22nd. An interesting historical contest was one of the features of the entertainment in which Mrs. Corrie Dickenson won a beautiful picture as a prize. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the contest. Those enjoying Mrs. Hurt's hospitality were Mesdames W. N. Hendrix, Tom Hendrix, H. H. and C. T. Dickenson, O. S. Burns, W. P. Gray, James Henritze, Arthur Garrett, J. J. Payne, Sam Aston, Wm. E. Burns, E. S. Finney and Miss Nannie Alderson.