News of Lebanon. Items of Interest from the County Seat of Russell. Mr. Bales, of Morristown. Tenn., spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Florence Hess is spending a few days with friends in town. Attorney H. A. Routh is out of town on legal business this week. Mrs. Nannie Easterly continues quite ill at her home on West Main Street. T. A. Gilmer, who has been ill for the past few days, is able to be out again. v. B. Gilmer has been confined to his room for a few days on account of illness. Con Lynch is now in Norton, having accepted a position with a firm at that place. The young people have been enjoying a number of coasting parties during the recent snow. Z. Cozens, contractor, of Norton, is looking after business interests in Lebanon this week. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G Hambrick is recovering from a recent attack of pneumonia. Mrs. S. H. Fletcher was called to the bedside of her father, D. O. Clark, who is ill with pneumonia at his home at Swords Creek. Mrs. Fred Garrett has returned to her home in West Virginia after having visited her mother, Mrs D. K. Banner, for several days. Our townsman, J. A. Henritze, left the latter part of last week in answer to a telegram announcing the death of his sister, Mrs. Tyler Snodgrass. The ladies of the Baptist church gave a banquet at Carroll Hall on last Friday evening for the benefit of improvements to be made on their church at an early date. What promises to be a very unique affair is a Spelling Bee on Friday evening. February 9th, at the courthous under the management of the ladies of the M. E. church. Misse Nanni and Sallie Lynch were the hostesses a beautifully appointed luncheon Wednesday last at their hospitable home a few miles east of town. The colors, pink and green, prevailed in the table decorations and appeared in other details of a delicious six course menu. The center of the table was marked by a silver candelabra encircled with a wreath of green foliage daintily entwined with pink maline. The pretty effect of which was enhanced by the soft glow of candles. Each guest found by her plate a dainty peace card designed by the hostesses and on which was inscrived a clever conundrum to be answered in turn by the guests. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of the Misses Lynch were Misses V. Routh, Beulah Seacat. Don Shuler, Harriet Dickenson, Ada and Mary Alderson.
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