July 25, 1912 Lebanon News.
Lebanon, Va., July 22nd. T. J. Nelson, of Roanoke, was a visitor to Lebanon last week.
Mrs. Parks, of Big Stone Gap, is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Payne this week.
Mrs. Baldwin of Bluefield, W. Va. is visiting her aunt Mrs O. S. Burns.
Miss Nora Burns, who has been ill for a few days, is now much improved.
Rev. Strouse, of Salem, is conducting a tent meeting in the west end of town.
Hatler Dickenson and Ben Johnson, of Hansonville, were Sunday visitors in Lebanon.
Miss Mary Sue Ayers has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lowell in Cincinnati.
Mr. F. M. Kelly, who has been visiting friends in Georgia, has returned to his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hendrix spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Lynch and family at Barnett.
Miss Harriet Stuckey, of Richmond, is the attractive house guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Routh.
Mrs. William S. Gilmer, of Pulaski, is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gilmer on south Church street.
Mrs. Will Gray and daughter, Mrs. Florence Hess, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hendrix.
The lightning struck a tree on the place of Harvy Campbell near here the other day and killed ten fine cattle.
Misses Biss and Cornelia Gilmer, who have been visiting relatives in Elk Garden have returned to their homes here.
The remodeling of the Methodist church is practically completed, and the conference will meet here on the 8th day of August.
Dr. and Mrs Newman, accompanied by their visitor, Miss Newman, of Thaxton, Va., came over from Cleveland on Friday in a Tolliver car.
The convict force has been moved from the Castlewood district to the Lebanon road and are now busily engaged in grading the road to Elk Garden.
Miss Bettie Gilmer was hostess of a delightful party on Saturday evening at her attractive home on West Main street. The affair was a rook party. The hall, parlors and dining room were attractively arranged with potted plants. The game was played in progressive order, furnishing much interest, and Miss Finney was the fortunate winner of a lovely box of candy. Later the guests were served with a tempting ice course. Those present were Misses Kate Dickenson, Georgie Ketron, Nora Burns, Jayne Finney, Dora Gilmer, Carl Wilson, Love and Hezel Finney, Pauline Ayers and Mary Alderson; Messrs. Oakley Gilmer, Carl Hendrix, Harry Routh, Jock Ketron, Sam Ketron, Turner Gilmer and Richard Hunter.