Tazewell Republican, Tazewell, VA

February 23, 1911

Lebanon Briefs.

Russell County, Virginia History - In the News
Tazewell Republican, Tazewell, VA

July 28, 1910


Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital.

Lebanon, Va., July 27.

George Smith, of Norton, spent Satorday in town.

J. W. Selfe, of Bristol, is the visiting is sister, Mrs. C. M. Jenk John Gose Banner, of Castlewood, spent Sunday with friends in town.

Mrs. Luther Gibson, of Jacksonville, Florida, is spending the summer in Lebanon.

Capt J. D. Alexander, of Tazewell is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. S. W. Aston.

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lynch are at home again, after spending several days at Barnett.

Miss Rebecca Browning is spending the summer at the old Hurt home near Backford.

Miss Mary Alderson, who has been visiting in Big Stone Gap, has returned to her home here.

The Mesdames Draper, of Richlands, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Quillen on Church street.

Miss Beulah Williams has returned to her home at this place after an extended visit to friends in Roanoke.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gilmer, of Bluefield, are on an extended visit to Mr. Gilmer's parents at the Bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hendrix are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard and daughter, Lucile, of Bluefield.

Miss Margaret Aston entertained a number of her young friends last week at her beautiful home on West Main street.

A large delegation from Lebanon attended the dedication of the Sulphur Springs Methodist church, by Dr. W. S. Neighbors.

Mr. Lou Price, of Montgomery, Alabama, has been spending a few days in our midst, renewing old acquaintances and friendships.

Mrs. Dr. Buchanan and daughter, Miss Katherine, of Dayton. Tenn., are visit to Mrs. James Henritze on Mainstreet.

J. P. Speer, who has been off on a trip to Baltimore, Norfolk and other points for the past month, returned to his home here last week.

The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church served cream and cake at Hotel Clinch View Saturday evening, which was an enjoyable as well as profitable.

On last Friday evening Miss Sada Finney entertained in a very charming manner a number of friends in honor of her house guests, Miss Sada Evan, of Evansville, Tenn. and Miss Cunningham, of Dayton, Tenn.

Mrs. D. E. McClearen, of Nashville, Tenn. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Bays, for a short time, after which he will leave with her husband for Denver. Col. Mr. McClearen was for two years president of the high school at this place and their many friends wish for them much success in their new school work.

Mr and Mrs. H. A. Routh are entertaining the following members of their family: Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Routh. who have recently returned from an extended wedding tour to the northern cities: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Routh, of Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Bridwell Smith, of Farmington, Mo., who will spend the remainder of the summer.

Miss Martha Gilmer died here on Monday the 18th instant. Her death was the result of a sad accident. Miss Gilmer, who had been an invalid for years, was being rolled around in her chair by her brother, who stepped back in the house for some purpose, and Miss Gilmer supposing him to still be behind her, put her roller chair in motion, and was thrown off the porch. She lingered for several days, but never regained consciousness, and death put an end to her sufferings at the time mentioned above.