NEWS OF LEBANON. Items of Interest From the Capital of Russell County. S. B. Quillen was a visitor to Bristol laat week. H. F. Bausell was a visitor to Bluefield last week. Hon. H. C. Stuart was a visitor to Lebanon last week. Mrs. John Bundy and children are visiting relatives at Tazewell. Miss Munday, of Roanoke, spent several days last week with Hazel Finney. Sam S. and bride arrived here last week and expect to make Lebanon their home. Mrs. John Gilmer, of Bristol, was the guest of relatives and friends here last week. Mrs. Harry Burns, of West Liberty, Ky., is visities: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burns. Miss-Lillian Hendrix has returned from Newbern, Va., where she had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Bird Smith, of Tarming, Mo., is visiting the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Routh. F. M. Kelly attended the Emory and Henry finals last week. He also visited Bristol and Johnson City. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Alderman, of Barboursville, W. Va., are the house guests of Mrs. J. J. Payne. Mrs. McLemore, of Wise, Va., and Miss Gertrude Albert, of Belfast, are guests of Mrs. Will Hurt east of town. Mrs. Dr. Pruner and little son, Harry, of Lindsey, Okla., will remain at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Banner, during the summer season. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Schuler, of Big Stone Gap, were the guests last week of their daughter, Mrs. C. C. Burns. They were on their way to Tazewell to attend district conference. Rev. Stinson, the new Baptist minister, has arrived with his family. He reached his first sermon here to a large and attentive audience on Sunday, the 11th, and all who heard it were much impressed with it. Miss Eloise buston has returned to her home at Tazewell after being the house guest of Misses Anna and Nellie Burns who very charmingly entertained a number of their young friends in her honor on last Thursday evening. The ladies of Lebanon are arranging for a Fourth of July celebration and expect to have as the speaker of the occasion Hon. H. C. Stuart. In the afternoon a game of ball will be played between the married men of Cleveland and Lebanon.
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