News of Swords Creek. Mrs. Mollie Farror is on the sick list. B. J. Wysor, is having his dwelling house repainted. M. A. Davis and wife went down to Honoker Tuesday. C. T. Smith loaded a car load arl lambs here Monday. A. R. Wyatt returned home Tuesday from St. Paul. Minn. J. M. Parr, of Honaker, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Rosa Barrett was shopping on town one day recently. Miss Pearl Hurt, of Gardner, spent Sunday with friends here. Misses Lee and Maggie Call are visiting friends at Stinson, Va. Dr. Will Whitt spent Monday with his aunt, Mrs L. B. Wyatt. D. T. Johnson is the proud father of a new dish washer at his home. Dr. Williams, of Richlands, made a professional £iiiierè Monday. Mrs. Geo. Oney, of Wardell, was visiting relatives here last week. John E. Davis, of Honaker, was a business visitor in town Monday. Sunday School is progressing nicely here under the management of J. W. A. Gibson. Misses. Ella Barrett and Flora Boyd, of Gardner, spent Sunday with Miss Lillie Irvine. James G. Whitt had the misfortune to have five yearlings killed by lightning last week. Dr. W. E. Whitt and sister, Miss Myrtle, of Abingdon, were passengers on No. 11 Saturday. Mrs. A. A. Wysor and little daughter, Laura Clark, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Debord. Rev. Johnston, of Honaker, filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied by his little daughter, Clara. Estel Jackson and Miss Celia Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boyd, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on last Thursday. W. H. Helton came down on No. 11 Tuesday to be at the bed side of his sister, Miss Idell Helton, whose illness we have mentioned heretofore.
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