Tazewell Republican, Tazewell, VA

March 14, 1912

East Swords Creek items.

Swords Creek, Va., March 11th.

J. C. Hall made a business trip to Raven on last Saturday.

There are several nice buildings being erected here at this time.

Miss Lillian Robinson is improving slowly from her recent illness.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dye, of Ohio, are the guests of relatives at this place.

C. W. Plaster spent Saturday and Sunday last with homefolks near this place.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Robinett's baby is recovering from an attack of whooping cough.

Rev. Clyde Faulkner, of Bluefield, was visiting friends here Saturday and Sunday.

Rev. Levi Murray will preach at the Wilson school house on next Sunday evening.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hall, which has been right ill with whooping cough, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hall and little son, John, were visiting friends at Pounding Mill last week.

Robinson Bros., of this place, loaded a car of fine export lumber for shipment here last week.

Mrs. Z. G. Hall and little daughter, May, were guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Williamson on Tuesday last.

We are sorry to note the illness this week of Mrs. I. N. Boyd. Her many friends hope for her an early recovery.

A quiet home wedding took place here on Thursday last, when Mrs. Nancie White became the bride of Mr. Agustus Elkins. The hearty congratulations of their many friends are extended them.