East Swords Creek items. J. C. Hall visited J. A. McGlothlin on last Sunday. Joe Robinson was a visitor at Raven Saturday last. Mrs. J. H. Boyd visited friends on Tattle Creek Monday. Mrs. J. C. Whitt is right much improved from her recent illness. Sheriff Charles Hunt was transacting business on Mill Creek Monday. Mrs. A. P. Dye, of Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Hall Friday. Misses Myrtle and Sada Wilson were visiting friends on Pine Creek Sunday. Miss Maude Robinson has returned from a week's visit to friends in Elk Garden. Edward Robinson spent Sunday at Prane, the guest of Ned Barrett and family. Miss Laura Reedy, who is attending Raven High School, is visiting homefolks here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Robinett, who have been on the sick list for several days, are both improving. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wilson on Long Branch on the 18th and left a fine baby boy. Robert Dye and family moved last week from Pine Creek to Kentucky, where they will reside in the future. Their many friends at this place wish them much happiness in their new home. A pretty home wedding was solemnized on last Thursday at Dye, Va., when Miss Ollie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cane Dye, became the bride of Mr. M. S. Tuggle. They have been the recipients of many hearty congratulations.