The News of Swords Creek. J. D. Miller is running a bachelor's hall on the creek. Benton Moore, of Pounding Mill, is visiting W. H. Helton this week. Miss Amie Belcher returned home from a visit to St. Paul last week. We are sorry to say the continued illness of Miss Idell Helton is not improved. Jim Belcher, the lumber inspector, has returned from a business trip to points east. Miss Cassell Cochrane, one of Richland's charming young ladies, is visiting relatives at this place. Mrs. Ida Ball and Miss Eddie Hurst, of Gardner, were visiting at the home of W. B. A. Miller last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. J. R. Hubbard delivered an interesting sermon at Jerusalem Sunday at 11 a.m., and at Miller's Chapel at 3 p. m. of the same day. On last Saturday night, the 7th instant, fire broke out in B. J. Wysor & Son's store, destroying the building, the postoffice, one dwelling and the outbuildings. The loss is pretty well covered by insurance.