Lebanon Briefs Judge A. A. Skeen, of Giles county, was attending court here last week. Mr. Waddell, of Graham, has moved family here and is now in charge of the Clinchview Hotel. Attorney H. M. Bandy, of Norton, was here for several days last week in connection with some legal matters. Mr. and Mrs. Dinwiddie Kilgore have returned to their home in Norton after a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Aston at this place. Mrs. Sam Aston has returned from Roanoke where she had been attending a meeting of the Federation of Womaen's Clubs of Virginia. Mr. Charles House and family, who have been running the Clinchview Hotel here until recently, have moved to their farm in the upper end of the county. The case of the Commonwealth vs. Jack Brown, charged with shooting and Deputy Sheriff John E. Davis, was tried in the circuit court here last week and resulted in an acquittal for the defendant.
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