LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Hampenings in Russoll County's Capital Mr. Frank Routh was visiting his parents here last week. The family of the Rev. Dr. Cartwrigh have noved int the village. Mr. Brown, of Richmond, spent a few days in our village the passt week. Attorney S. B. Quillen made a trip to Norton last week on legal business. Mr. Jackson, who has been visning in Tennessee, returned home last week. Mr. Albert Higginbotham, of Tazewell, was a visitor in town in at week. Mr. Henry Gilmer, of Big Stone Gap, was the guest of his parents last week. Attorney C. C. Burns left last week for a trip to Grundy, Buchanan county, on legal business. Mr. C. W. House, who has been off on a trip through Washington county, has returned to his home here. Mrs. Easterly is recuperating rapidly from the severe attack of typhoid fever she contracted a short time ago. Miss Blancho McPherson left last week for a trip to Bristol, where she expects to remain a short time before joining her father is his new change at Dante. Attorney R. S. Meade, who has been in the lower part of the county at the bedside of his little daughter, who was critically ill of fever but who is now convaleocent, returned to Lebanon last week. One of the most successful social occasions of the year was the dance given at the Masonic hall here last Friday night. A large crowd was in attendance, and the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Among those present were Misses Bess Gilmer, Bonnie Alderson, Hetty Cobb, Dorothy Mitchell, Katheryn Hatcher, Mrs. J. J. Payne, Verna Routh, Mrs. Frank Routh, Olivia Driscoll, Louise Counts and Messrs. Ira Gray, Howard Bray, Routh Gray, Cleveland Gray, Jim Ayers, Oakley Gilmer. Hon. Suitor Cosby, Ben Gilmer, Harry Routh, Frank Routh, J. J. Payne, John Ketron and Grady Pruner.