LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital. S. B. Quillen is out of town on legal business. Rev. S. T. McPherson, of Dante, was in town this week. J. B. Kennedy is attending to business at St Paul this week. D. C. Stuart, of Rosedale, was transacting business her on Wednesday. Walter Benedict, of St. Paul, spent Sunday with his family at this place. Mrs. Rebecca Alderson spent last of the week at her farm near Hansonville. Miss Verna Routh will entertain the members of the Priscilla Club this week. C. H. Smithdeal will leave soon for Tampa, Florida, where he will spend the winter. F. M. Kelly will spend several days in Georgia visiting his brother while on his vacation. Con Lynch has returned to his work in Bluefield after visiting home folks for several days. Hugh Mathews, of Barboursville, Ky., is visiting at the home of J. W. Hurt in the west end. Mrs. N. W. Easterly continues to improve after several weeks illness from typhoid fever. Miss Kate Reynolds, of Tazewell, was the guest of Mrs. N. W. Easterly the first of the week. Little Ralph Finney is "at home" today to a number of his little friends, it being his fifth birthday. H. G. Routh left Wednesday last for Farmington, Mo., where he will visit his sister, Mrs. B. T. Smith. Attorney E. S. Finney and daughters, Misses Sada and Love, are spending the week in the city of Richmond. W. P. Jackson will, at a very early date, move his family to Chattanooga, Tenn., where he has accepted a position. Mrs. Charles Jenks spent a few days of last week visiting at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Self, at Castlewood. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Gilmer will leave today for Castlewood, where Mr. Gilmer will be cashier of a bank at that place.
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