LEBANON BRIEFS. Items Pertaining to Happenings in Russell County's Capital Attoney C. C. Burns made a trip to Tazewell last week. Attorney F. M. Kelly made a trip to Johnson City last week. Mr. Lee Bays still continues very sick from an attack of typhoid fever. Lee Bays, who has been confined to his room with fever, is improving. Mrs. S. G. Hambrick, who has a mild case of typhoid fever, is improving and will soon be out again. H. F. Bausell, editor of the Lebanon News will soon have his residence completed on West Main street. Mr. St. Clair, of Saltville, who has been the guest of Mr. George Banner, has returned to his home. Work on the fair grounds is being pushed so as to have everything ready by the 22nd of September. The little daughter of Mr. Ferguson. who broke her arm some time ago, fell and broke it again last week. Judge Wm. E. Burns and family are at Atlantic City recuperating. The judge will return in time to open court the 5th of September. Judge Skeen was a visitor in our town last week, taking steps preparatory to building his new residence. While it is being put up he will occupy the house of Sam Gibson which he recently rented. Christ Chapel, the little church building on the farm of Miss Amy Mullins, near Falls Mills, will be dedicated Sunday. Rev. W. S. Bullard, of Bluefield, will deliver the sermon. A basket dinner on the ground and a wedding will add to the interest of the day at the dedicatory services, Robert Perdue and Miss Eliza Dunford, both of the Falls Mills neighborhood, being the contracting parties. Christ Chapel, which is an imposing little church situated on a pretty knoll overlooking the old Mullins homestead, was erected by Miss Amy Mullins at her own expense. The pastor is now paid by her and she is superintendent of Sunday school conducted there. The establishing of this church edifice in a remote section is very much appreciated by the country people living in the neighborhood and Miss Mullins is loved by them for her philanthropic spirit in providing the new church.
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